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Nie znalazłeś oferty dla siebie?
Poinformuj nas czego dokladnie potrzebujesz
If you decide to do business with us, you can for instance entrust us with HR and payroll issues and also settlements with the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) which constitute foundation for functional and lawful activity of each business, regardless of its legal form.
While being of the utmost importance, these tasks are in reality very time-consuming and require focusing a great deal of your attention upon documentation. This is why we want to relieve you of this.
We will calculate wages for all your employees in a comprehensive manner (including all set-offs). We will thoroughly calculate taxes and premiums, make premium transfers and submit all required statements to the Polish Insurance Institution. Within our standard assistance with HR, payroll and social insurance calculations our office assists with periodical (drawing up income statements), but also ad hoc activities (issuing certificate of an employee’s remuneration or PFRON statement [State Fund For Rehabilitation of Disabled People])
We also ensure effective collaboration with authorities.