Nie znalazłeś oferty dla siebie?
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Nie znalazłeś oferty dla siebie?
Poinformuj nas czego dokladnie potrzebujesz
If you are unable to contact your debtor or all means of recovering your debt have failed, you can use services of specialists that will act quickly, effectively and with accordance with current provisions of law. Our comprehensive debt recovery services will allow you to recover the entire debt as quickly as possible and at the lowest cost possible.
Our first step in this matter is a thorough and in-depth analysis of the documentation delivered by our Client (very often it comes to light that debtor’s contact details are out of date, which renders contact impossible). We always attempt to settle the dispute amicably. We draw up and present notice of default to the debtor or conduct negotiations by phone on behalf of our Client. If the debtor is ready to cooperate, then this often leads to quick case closure and full recovery of the debt.
Comprehensive debt recovery services
If establishing contact with the debtor is impossible or he is not willing to cooperate, it becomes necessary to start litigation. In that case our services include preparation of relevant analysis (for instance debtor’s solvency), gathering necessary documentation and drawing up motions enabling instituting court proceedings.
We will walk you through the enforcement proceedings, from the preparation of a relevant motion and submitting it to the bailiff’s office to representing your company in enforcement proceedings carried out by court enforcement officers.