ul. Ludwika Solskiego 4/6, 52-416 Wrocław biuro@bisek-kancelaria.pl

Judicial tax advisory

One of the events in every business’s lifecycle that keeps entrepreneurs awake at night is fiscal audit and potential consequent proceedings before authorities. By working with BISEK legal & bookkeeping office you get certainty that our specialists will do anything to ensure tax safety and in the event of judicial proceedings will make sure its course is as the most favourable as possible to you – in a swift and lawful manner.

We always start with in-depth analysis of a company’s documentation and then – through cooperation with a relevant tax authority we devise the best strategy for resolving the conflict, by first attempting to settle the matter amicably by meticulously exchanging necessary information and declaring readiness to cooperate with the authorities and, if need be, by appearing during hearings and representing our Client before the court.

We support our Clients during every stage of court proceedings, also by filing a complaint to the court or an appeal against tax authorities. Our Clients’ safety is our priority.